04 May 2013

I want to share...

some very powerful words I read in a Buddhist text...

Where there is dependence, there is instability, where there is no dependence, there is no instability, where there is no instability, there is quietude...

Here I believe is the core of our life...

We have to be independent.....learn to be independent.......this does not mean self-sufficient or making ourselves into islands with great big walls around us, but we need to learn how to think independently....we need to have an independence of spirit,  because this is what will give us inner stability and thus inner quietude - a state of stillness and calmness. Here again, we must not make the mistake of confusing this with passivity.....as in, we must not accept or allow what happens or what others do without any kind of response.

And yet we are so dependent--dependent on others and outside factors--for our well-being as it were....that is why we are so often in such a state of restlessness or anger or depression or upset.

Independence of our spirit.....beautiful, wonderful state to work towards...