12 March 2013

We need...

closure for the hurts, sorrows, and gut-wrenching pains that others have caused us. That will happen only if there is forgiveness...

For a long time I was not ready for this....didn't even want to start on this road of forgiveness towards those who had so unflinchingly and unhesitatingly caused pain. Reading various works by wise people and people who had been on that road made me realize that closure would come only by forgiveness - by my forgiving them.....completely contradictory but there it was staring me in the face. My next question was how will I know that I have forgiven them.....and today after so many days and years of trying, my meditation gave me this....

You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well.

~Lewis B. Smedes

It is going to be difficult but it is something we all, those of us who want closure, need to do....

I realize that now I have a guiding star to take me on that road...