16 March 2013

Strangely, when we read the word...


What usually comes to mind is the action of falling because of a wrong action or decision, or because we failed in something we set out to do, or because someone tripped us up in the thousand ways those who want to harm us can do......

and the words of Confucius are used to pick ourselves up: Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

but falling, also, to my mind, includes every tear that falls because someone was thoughtless, or used harsh words that cut right to the core of the heart and being, or put us down to prove us wrong, or made us feel small...

It is so difficult to even think of picking ourselves up when all we want to do is to crawl into some corner and just hide, or curl up in bed with the coverlets pulled up right over the head...

And so, at times like these, to wipe the tears every time they well up, or painfully lift the head, or once again force the eyes to start looking at the world is the 'rising' and there lies the glory too...