11 October 2012

Something I learnt...


and I've been mulling over it since.

For those of us who pride ourselves on our work, check and re-check to see if we've got everything down right, and maybe even re-do something till it is perfect in our eyes, it is mortifying when an error is pointed out - we die a thousand deaths trying to figure out the how and why of the error, we flagellate ourselves beyond all proportion, and generally feel like pond scum or worse.

Now here's what I learnt - if at that time - when an error is pointed out - you force - FORCE - yourself to say - Wow! I'm so glad you pointed this out to me. It's something I've been battling with, or Thanks for telling me 'cos now I've finally got it right, or something to this effect.....it works wonders. Now these are not the thoughts we generally think when an error is pointed out, so it is extremely difficult to accept - difficult to accept the error, and even more difficult to believe that we can accept the error gracefully.....instead, we lose sleep and our sense of well-being as well as our self-esteem. It needn't be so.

I tried this yesterday, and instead of feeling small and dreadfully inadequate, I actually felt good - for, Life is not a cruel examination; and the person who corrected me is not the judge of my life...

Life is a process of learning, and we are learning all the time...

Try it......it works.....and you don't fall in anyone's esteem least of all your own!!! and that itself is a great feeling...