22 January 2012

Have you ever felt...

when reading a word/phrase/sentence someone has used in a context which is familiar to you, a resonance, and a settling down, or definitive conclusion of feelings and thoughts that heretofore were left unconcluded?

I felt this way a couple of days back, and am able to articulate it only now after it has seeped into my being. My home has been robbed three times over the years. We belong to the professional stratum, and each time, we lost some of our hard-earned belongings and a lot of personal effects which had emotional connections, considerably setting us back. My DD always helped put the bits and pieces of my heart back, but I just could not bring a closure to my feelings, till I got a letter from my cousin. He told me that their home had been broken into on the 11th, and they had lost their life savings. While I sympathized with him and his wife, he was philosophical about his tremendous loss, saying, "I am not despondent or disheartened, but feel a sense of being violated." That was it! - Violated - that was what I had been feeling all these years. Somehow when articulated like that, it clicked into place, and I find I can now put to rest all those inconclusive feelings that have periodically permeated my head and heart and brought so much pain...