11 September 2011

A reflection...

Looking back, in silence, on all that has happened in my life, one thing has become very clear -

God, (or Life, for those who don't believe in God), prepares us for every event - every single event....right actions, and even the wrong actions, good things that happen, and bad things that happen, hurts, and happinesses,  all blend together to get us ready for the next event - the next stage in our lives.

Just sit and reflect, and you'll see that everything follows a very clear pattern -

We really do not need to stress and struggle and despair - whatever we're doing is what we should be doing, and wherever we're at, is where we should be at, and what is happening, is meant to be happening. We only need to trust and surrender ourselves to the moment - even the bad-sad-unhappy ones--simply because it is happening as it should....