10 July 2011

Just thinking...

about something I read a few days back...

I've always been very interested in fashion and women's wear especially looking towards France and Italy...and i read that in these countries, the women, yes, they do pay a lot of attention to good grooming, but more importantly, are very self-confident - and it is this self-confidence that makes them look so smart and terrific, actually!

Which got me started on thinking about self-confidence...

An incident that I saw has stayed with me - there was this lady who was walking along the road, avoiding the zillion things that are usually found on our pavements. She was dressed for work, and it was very obvious from the way she carried herself that she was very proud of the way she had dressed, and the way she looked. A little ways along, she saw this man, whom she obviously knew, and smiled at him. He stopped, and don't know what he said to her, but I saw her completely wilt - her whole posture and mien changed. She walked on, but not the way she was walking earlier, but slowly, and as if she wanted to be invisible...It was such a sad, sad thing, and I cursed the man who had done this. I realized that so often, when women say nasty things to women, we can put it aside as bitchiness and not really bother - why then do we allow a man to demolish our confidence? But we do - world over, we do - because under the color of the skin we are all the same. Only thing is, in countries that are beautiful, you can look at natural beauty, and distract your mind, till you get your peace of mind, and stability, and confidence back - here if you look around, you only see more misery, more unhappiness, and nature made ugly...so there is nothing really to restore our good humor or our self-confidence -

It's very well to say that how we feel is in our hands-but fact is, we often do trip up - then a little help from Nature would help, or even from someone who cares--and if it is not there, then we do eventually get our self-confidence back, but at the cost of something....and that is the painful thing...