28 May 2011

Isn't it strange...?

Isn't it rather curious that it is only in death that the many facets of a person's personality are revealed? The paradoxes unfolded? So how is it that they were hidden all these years? Let's face it, we were either too blind, or too busy to see...

Strange how dim, hazy thoughts take shape...; the true nature of those we believed very close to us comes out...;the depths of our mind and heart are plowed...; and we are forced to see and face up to what we desperately did not want to acknowledge...

Astonishing that the estranged come within the range of civilized behavior?

Strange too that death makes the unknown and not-kept-in-touch-with family members rally around - everyone wanting to share in the grieving because the one who has gone has been a part of their lives at some time or another.

Strangest of all is how the eyes finally open to life and living...