26 April 2011

Randomly thinking...

Among all the states of mind that a person can have, to be content seems to be the hardest state to be in. Truly. Take anything: the weather - it's too hot, too cold, too dusty, too windy, too rainy... , food - too hot, too cold, underdone, overdone, too much, too little, too spicy, too bland... , work/work environment - too much, too difficult, too confusing, too stressful, not challenging enough, not exciting... , people we meet - too chaalu, too foolish, not bright, too devious, not the thinking kind, not savvy, don't know anything, selfish... , ourselves - what a place we live in, not rich enough, too poor, want this, need that, too fat, too thin, want to look young, want to look older, want to eat, can't eat, want to travel, can't do all the things i want to do... , the city we live in - dirty, difficult to move about in, crazy traffic, no sidewalks... , tv programs - the same old thing, bitter politics, foolish governments, corrupt politicians, self-seeking people... , and on and on and on...just not happy with anything...

Think about it - when was the last time we were just peaceful about where we were and what we had? when last were we just plain-old-just-us, doing the things that came our way, happily and cheerfully?