14 July 2010

Liberté. Égalité. Fraternité

Even today, these words bring on goose pimples, and make the heart beat faster. What power there is in these 3 words -Liberté. Égalité. Fraternité - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. These words powered the French Revolution in 1789, and look where France is today...It was the Jaques and the Madames Defarge who set France on a path from which there was and never has been any looking back. One has to see 'Tale of Two Cities' to become a part of the people who were so mercilessly downtrodden, and who rose as one to create a new social order.

My own interpretation of these words are: Liberty - as being public freedom and personal freedom. Public freedom being that responsible freedom which would create a society where everyone can live with their heads high; where everyone can live in a clean, healthy environment, and personal freedom as being that responsible freedom which every individual feels but which ends where the other person's nose begins. Equality - as being a society where everyone has an equal chance and equal opportunities to live and grow. And Fraternity - we all need to remember at all times that we are all - ALL - no matter what the differences - created equal and are equal before God. Consequently, everyone needs to be treated with respect.

When will our country see these words becoming a reality? When will we have our Jacques and Madames Defarge fighting against our Evrémondes?  Or is it just a wish? Our politicians are so intent on making spectacles of themselves on every TV news show every night, where would they have time for anything else? In any case, they are so far removed from the common man, and so bank on his innate decency, helplessness, and rigid adherence to caste and creed that they know they can get away with just about anything. And they do...A case in point being the dreadful rise in prices of everyday foods and goods. (wonder if Manmohan Singh and others ever go to the market?)

The hope in our country lies in the common man--that common man who is so badly exploited. Maybe we, in our little worlds, could live the power of the words -Liberté. Égalité. Fraternité.