07 July 2010


I remember how whenever there was a problem with teenagers in school, some people would say ' Oh this is the age...', or 'It's the hormones...' I've wondered through the years, what exactly these statements meant. What age? what hormones?? don't we have behavior issues at all ages?? and don't hormones cause problems at all ages? Then why are these statements reserved only for teenagers?

At every stage of life - no matter what the change, be it from 12 to 13, 19 to 20, 29 to 30, and so on down the years, the jump from one bracket to another does cause huge physical, mental, emotional, psychological, physiological changes. These changes also produce their corresponding stresses. I guess it is only when we believe that 'There is, as there always was, and always will be, only us' (paraphrasing Carol Matthau), that graduating from one age to another becomes seamless, and maybe even fun! There are reams and reams and reams of material on this phenomenon of age-graduations, especially as one steps into the 60s and 70s. I particularly find Jenny Joseph's "When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple" very, very inspiring.

I also find this picture very motivating:

Guess this would be the only way to live, right???

What fun - with this as the motto, we can bear/beat/conquer any- age- graduation blues, I do believe we can...