30 April 2023

Why do we rush around…

Are 14 hours not enough for us, if we keep 10 hours for sleep and rest? 

We must be doing something wrong if we cannot spare a few minutes at the end of the day to think on the good thing or things that happened, or indulge ourselves with a few minutes of solitude in which we can put our feet up and relax with a glass of wine to think back on all that happened.

The worst statements ever are ‘I’m so busy’, and ‘There’s so much to do every day’….  And others in the same vein. Not talking about procrastinating, though some tasks are better done, or trashed, upon holding for a day or two. The truth is that we lose out on a lot when we try to rush through things. Worst is that we often make mistakes which we then have to go back to rectify. Would it then, not have been better if we had approached each task slowly and with care to begin with? Think about it—how many tasks do we go back to redo in a day? How many do we do at one go? How many do we take the time to prep for, instead of diving headlong into it? Do we take the time to enjoy and savour the mid-morning cup of coffee or tea? 

We often dive headlong into a day straight from bed and go on in the same rushed pace because we think that is what is expected of us if we are working adults…and this includes homemakers. If we are not doing something, then we are doing something wrong…we are failing somewhere. If we are not talking heavy office or store jargon all the time, then we are not doing justice to our work….by rushing around and mouthing heavy, complicated words, we are showing the world how busy we are. We need to be seen constantly sending and receiving msgs and mails to show we don’t have even a single spare moment. We need to be on the phone if we are not on the computer….because we are ‘so busy’. 

Taking the time to enjoy a coffee, having a proper meal, sitting and catching up with a friend, calling a loved one, talking about simple ordinary daily things, spending an easy happy hour with our loved ones, giving our children and families the best of our time and energy…. Are these a ‘waste of time’? It seems like it since we rush through them without savouring them. However, believe me, if we take time out for things that mean something to us, or take time to be with those who are precious to us, or give ourselves time to be with ourselves, we will get all the tasks assigned for the day, done…and done well. Believe me. This works. And you will not wake up ragged, and go to sleep ragged, with a feeling of being incompetent or burnt out…