30 April 2023

A wonderful statement…

to live by:

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
~ Rebecka Peterson

Be grateful, we are reminded at least twenty tines a day….but we rarely stop to say the words ‘Thank you’. Or, we say it in a rushed way, because we are rushing off to do/complete the next task in a rushed way, because there are other tasks lined up which we have to rush around to finish before the day is over. This is not being thankful for blessings received, it is not being grateful. However, if we consciously create a space for ourselves at the end of the day when we can look back on the day and find the good in it, we will be able to actually see the good thing/things that happened and say our Thank you properly. This is gratitude and this brings with it its own blessing…