that everything that we do and can do, and are and can be is imbued with significance, that we begin to absorb this into every pore of ourselves - mind and body. Life, then becomes more than just getting by. We realize that we are something more.....we have something deeper in us.
The importance of our significance lies not in our position in life, but in the way we attach significance to every moment we are in and every task that we do. No matter we are in influencing roles, or only have our usual daily chores making up our day, we need to attach so much significance to ourselves, that we imbue every task that we do with significance.
Our significance is borne out by this Zen saying: "Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water." No matter how repetitive the task, there will always be some little thing that is different about it that day from the day before or the day after...we are different from moment to moment, and so we live only in and for that moment. It is when we begin to believe this with our whole being that we will realize and recognize our own significance.