25 October 2014

Is there someone...

a friend perhaps - someone who you thought was close enough to you to be counted as someone important to you and your life - who you have realized does not care for you the way you care for them? Are you hanging on to this person - maybe because of some insecurity inside you? or maybe because of a strong feeling of loyalty? or maybe because it's become a habit to have this person in your life and you are willing and ready to make all kinds of excuses to keep him/her there? Do you find yourself rationalizing all the things said or done unkindly to you by this person? Again - is this because of a strong inbuilt sense of loyalty, or because it's a habit, or because the need is in you, even though this friend has been hurtful, or insensitive, or insisted that his/her views were best for you and your gut feeling said otherwise?

Time to stop and examine this. This is not easy - in fact it is painful, very, very painful, especially because it would involve your analyzing yourself as well....your facing up to certain not-so-wonderful facts about yourself but which add up to make you YOU...in which case it is time to let go of this friend....and equally difficult - face up to yourself, love yourself, in short, fix yourself, and get back your own self-worth by yourself.

Today, take a new life trail...