from the Kabbalah...
We have to consciously make ourselves a part of something bigger if we are to be free of feelings of heaviness, depression, anger, and other bringing-down feelings.
So, what is this something bigger - I would imagine that for everyone, whether alone and housebound or part of a professional group, it would be the consciousness of being a part of your family, part of the organization we work for, part of a special group we belong to.......and finally then the consciousness of being a part of the world family...
And then to share of ourselves wherever it is possible to do so. Sharing involves reciprocation, a mutual sharing of ideas and thoughts; a feeling of 'I'm always there for you'; generosity with our time and help; being warm and kind and thoughtful; unselfishness. It means looking beyond ourselves. It means looking out for others.
Take a minute to think:
Is something holding us down?
Is something holding us back?
What sharing opportunities is the Creator sending us?
How can we be more a part of others around us?
Soon, the heavy feeling passes, for how can we be a part of people, or part of the Universe and still feel heavy/depressed/angry....?