04 July 2013

Chew over this...

According to my Kabbalah meditation, what matters is 'how much negativity we have managed to overcome.'

I think this is again related to what I wrote on Choices (Therefore...)...we cannot always predict that our choices are the right ones, because as the coordinates--people who our choices will touch, and the circumstances under which we are making the choice--change, our choices too will need course correction, renewal, maybe even a total overhaul...Therefore, it is quite possible that while some choices bring happiness and positiveness, some may bring negativity.......then what gives weight to our choice is how much negativity we can overcome to turn our choice to our advantage... .The meditation goes on to say, 'Only in darkness can we grow to be like the Light. Indeed, those of us who have had to stand against adversity to be who we are have became stronger because of it.'