24 July 2012

Words of wisdom...

from two wonderful, fascinating, amazingly phenomenal women I came across in Ari Seth Cohen's Advanced Style (I'm totally hung up on his blog - advancedstyle.blogspot.com - in a word, it's extraordinary and very essential for women)

Mimi Weddell: 
You dance as you walk through life. If you don't dance, for heaven's sake, you cannot aspire. you do not lift up from this earth.
Rise above it. We're not supposed to be happy, happy, happy and jumping for joy every second.
Grace, is what it is - you dance as you sail through life, and furthermore, it heightens your living as of the moment.
..........you have to have the downers and the uppers to be a complete person. 

Illona Smithkin:
It's a wonderful thing not to need to have anything.
Perfection is a man-made concept. If God wanted us to be perfect, He would have made us so. 
Imperfection can be beautiful - makes a person easy in style, and better.
Don't be uptight about perfection. It doesn't add; it pressures us and doesn't accomplish what one pays for.