19 July 2012

How often is it...

that we blame the world for our ills and our unhappiness?

How often do we ask: why me? I haven't harmed anyone or anything, then why should I bear this kind of injustice?

How often do we cry out: Why me? When I haven't hurt anyone, why this kind of hitting out and hurt for me?

How often do we question: Why me? It's not my fault that.....(whatever..)

To all of us who, more often than not have asked the 'why' which has no answers, here's something from Dennis Wholey:

Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.

Brilliant!! Now smile.....

The world will go on hurting us - unfairly and unjustly...instead of asking why, let's just try and laugh it off as another of those inexplicable lemons that life throws at us.....or the charging bull, maybe!