06 June 2012


powerful thoughts...

Disbelief in ourselves is disbelief in God - Kabbalah.

If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you - Louise Hay

History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again - Maya Angelou

We have to believe in ourselves...for those of us who find this hard to do, for whatever reason, use the belief that those who love you have in you - for they love you for those very qualities that you find it hard to believe you have. Do so before these limiting thoughts become your truth. Forget the past, for every time you let it steal into your mind, you are reinforcing them and preventing them from letting you see today as it is, and you as you are... .You can also rest in the faith and belief that mistakes made become history in the next instant - that should give us the courage to keep moving on in a better and better way...