15 March 2012

As always...

when I come up against a road block, life sends a ray of light into my clouded heart.

This is especially for those, who like me, feel the jarring of abrupt or rude talk, and immediately, a 'fitting' response jumps to the lips....you choke it back, because you know it's not the 'right' thing to do.....and then feel most miserable....

Just as I reached this miserable stage, I checked my mail box and found a mail from a friend with Azim Premji's Lessons in Life. And, here's what I found among those lessons. He said:

And the final lesson I learnt is that we must have faith in our own ideas even if everyone tells us that we are wrong. There was once a newspaper vendor who had a rude customer. Every morning, the customer would walk by, refuse to return the vendor's greetings, grab the paper off the shelf and throw the money at the vendor. The vendor would pick up the money, smile politely and say, "Thank you, sir." 

One day, the vendor's assistant asked him, "Why are you always so polite to him when he is so rude to you? Why don't you throw the newspaper at him when he comes back tomorrow?" 

The vendor smiled and replied, "He can't help being rude and I can't help being polite. Why should I let his rude behavior dictate my politeness?"

..................................and that settled it for me.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers to a new day!!!!!!!!!!