13 November 2011


we must remember that the best thing that the young can do for the old is to allow them the space and dignity to be old...

This came to me when I had gone to the hospital. There was this very old lady who was sitting with her daughter and granddaughter. There was something about her and I could not help looking at her (staring in fact) - it was obvious that at one time she must have been very good looking. Her face told its own story, and the lines on her peaceful face spoke of character born out of years of toil and sacrifice. It was when she got up that I saw she was bent with age. Even so, very consciously she fixed her sari and then with effort started walking towards the toilet. Her daughter and granddaughter quietly watched her. I wondered what thoughts were passing through that old mother's mind, and what thoughts must have been racing through her daughter's...

She walked slowly and with obvious difficulty, and when someone stepped forward to help her, she politely refused...

And that is when it struck me hard that the greatest favor we can do our old is to let them know that we hold them in the same regard, respect, and love as we did when they were young. We have to allow them to feel as dignified as they must have felt when they were younger. We must never, ever, ever do anything to let them feel diminished in any way... . And if we must help them, then we need to be conscious that our help is not in any way lessening the image they have, deep inside, of themselves...