16 October 2010

The ordinary Indian...

 The Ayodhya issue is over - peacefully

The Commonwealth Games are over - peacefully

We are entirely indebted to the ordinary Indian, the aam aadmi, for making these two events pass off without any problem.
(Whatever problems there were, were the creation of the organizers).

Think about it - that the Ayodhya issue went off as it did was largely due to the fact that the younger generation specifically, and the ordinary people generally, have neither the time nor the inclination to let a bunch or religious fanatics backed by unscrupulous politicians ruin their lives. The general public wants to be left alone to get on with their lives. The people of Ayodhya want to be left in peace...

The Games, thanks to the efforts of the underpaid, overworked, not-looked-after laborers, the young, cheerfully hard-working young volunteers, the ever-ready, every-helpful armed forces, the much beleaguered police personnel, got into some kind of shape and got going. In such a large country, with so many fractious elements, with porous borders, we kept the terrorists out...It was the ordinary people who got the Games village livable, and looked after everyone...

The athletes who have risen to where they are entirely on their own using their own meagre resources, with no government support, did us proud. For much of the entertainment during the opening and closing ceremonies, it was the armed forces band, the school children, and the thousands of ordinary people doing folk dances, who put their shoulder to the effort of showcasing the many faces of the country . (And I am not talking about the false pitch of the singers singing re-hashed, re-mixed numbers, the mad dj-ing, Shaan's mournful dirge,the half naked lady and man doing what they themselves did not quite know in the middle of the laser show, or the horribly put together martial arts show.)

It was clearly the ordinary person who did not let the country down in spite of the Kalmadis, the Bhanots and the whoever-elses... 

Eventually it is the ordinary person that we in India always fall back on to restore our national pride...