17 June 2009

A Deck of Cards

Life deals all of us a hand from its deck of cards. Each hand has at least one bad card, and each has at least one good card. There may be more than one of either as well, but the basic equal number, one bad and one good are there for everybody. It depends on us entirely what we do with our hand. We can neither gloat over all the good cards we might have, nor be disheartened because of all the bad ones. Right now, this is our hand, this is our reality. Life gives us opportunities, as well as challenges. Life gives us bouquets for succeeding and brickbats for failing. How we play our hand depends on us. It depends on how we make use of our natural talents, instincts and intelligence. It depends on our grit and determination. It depends on our strength of mind. There are innumerable rags to riches stories available in our libraries, stores and on the net. There are also examples of people who have succeeded against all odds in our own lives. With that one good card you can overcome all the hurdles and obstacles in your path. On the other hand, with the one bad card you have in your hand, you can spoil the chances that all the other good cards could have offered you. It's a matter of attitude - how you look at your hand. Groaning and moaning about your fate, your circumstances, isn't going to make it either go away or become less difficult and painful. It will make it only worse, and you will not be able to see that one small flicker of light that is beckoning you - that light that can dispel all the darkness of doubt and indecision. Likewise, if you squander all the opportunities life has given you, all the good chances and good moments, just because you have one bad card, it is tragic. Whatever hand you have, give yourself a chance. Keep your heart and mind open. Don't look back. Don't think too much, and especially of what might happen, because you merely end up expending precious energy on what might never happen. Yes, you have to be prepared for any contingency. This preparation is the preparation of the mind not to dwell on what has happened, good or bad, but to get on with life. Get on with putting one foot in front of the other. Kipling was right when he called success and failure impostors, because they are. Success and failure are in the mind. At the end of the day, life merely wants to know if you have played your card, or if you have frittered away your chance, or in case you have botched up your play, what your attitude is. It doesn't matter if you have failed your chance today. Pick yourself up and get on with the business of living. Importantly, no state is permanent - neither happiness nor sadness, nor badness, nor goodness - everything passes......get up, smile, enjoy the moment. Every moment has something to teach us - learn from them, because nothing, but nothing happens without a reason, and everything that happens, happens for the best though the immediate appearance might be to the contrary. Nobody has it all good, and nobody has it all bad. Just get on - - one brave step in front of another. One step enough for me......................