11 December 2008

Wonders of the World? The WONDER OF LIFE

I read this in the Daily dose of Happiness that I receive, and want to share it with anyone who might want to pause a minute with me....


What would you say are the Seven Wonders of the world today? I admit
I am not sure what they are officially, but I would guess:

The Pyramids

The Great Wall of China

The twin towers in Kuala Lumpur

Mount Rushmore

The Panama Canal

The Taj Mahal

The Chunnel

I am sure there is plenty of room for adding certain great bridges
and churches and temples and towers, but here is how one schoolgirl
answered the question:

1. to see

2. to hear

3. to touch

4. to taste

5. to feel

6. to laugh

7. to love

Does this not make us think? These ARE the wonders of life - Truly, out of the mouth of babes......we need to remind ourselves of this daily, just to remain connected with the truth of our lives.