03 November 2020

Today’s headlines...

in The Telegraph, “Crunch begins to tell on schools” paints a very frightening picture. And the question that my mind is constantly throwing up is what is going to happen to these children, and, where is this country headed without an educated people? Children need to study, play, fight, and interact with each other. Okay, so noone can go to school now. Traumatic and difficult as it was for many children, the online experience did keep them in touch with their teachers and classmates. If teachers are being laid off, principals are being asked to resign, admin staff are being reduced to bare minimum..... just what does the future look like? 

We know Indian kids blossom when they go abroad... but here, in their own country, they are not even being given a toehold on the ladder of education. How unfair it is to deprive them of learning and knowledge just because there are not enough funds to tide over this difficult phase. Why are the people in power forgetting that it is these children who will be leaders one day... why should they not be given the mental and intellectual and emotional training to become responsible citizens? I would imagine no funds would be spared in the growth and development of our children. They need to be well prepared to live in a whole new world order. I am anguished beyond words at this turn of things. Our kids have to have to have to be made ready to take on the world and take our country forward....