23 November 2015

Talking about...

Loving ourselves unconditionally...

I had written that while we extend our love and time and energy outwards, it is very difficult when we have to - need to direct it towards ourselves.

While my DD fills my whole life and being, I find I have also been able to give of myself to those who have turned to me for comfort or encouragement or friendship or light-hearted, happy times. However, quite obviously, I have been quite incapable of turning these towards myself. My DD gave me a sound talking to and I realized I had to do something concrete about this. Am working on it....

I am battling with the question of why...

Came across this in connection with Tchaikovsky's life - Even though Tchaikovsky frequently lamented his “wearing, maddening depression,” perhaps most remarkable yet quintessentially human about his disposition was the ability to assure his loved ones of the very things he was unable to internalize himself — for who among us hasn’t found that it is far easier to offer light to our dearest humans in situations that leave our own inner worlds shrouded in impenetrable darkness?

Now I believe I can leave the darkness behind....