12 October 2015

A difficult exercise...

but one which needs to be done every day, is to take in life's little pains and joys. We have so many instances of these every day. But, we tend to balk at both the pains and the joys - pains because it's awful to feel and deal with any kind of pain, especially when that evil little voice pops up to tell us this is all there is to life, and joys because that evil little voice tells us to beware of joy. I've battled with both these for many, many years. I'm still not too brave about pain but I've seen that when I just accept the pain as is without dwelling on past pains or future ones, I can handle it better and when it finally leaves me, it does so without leaving any residue behind. Joy, too....I've been so skeptical, have done things like tell myself joys are not for me, this joy is going to extract its price and so on till the joy just faded away leaving an aching blank. Now, when I accept joy just as is, without connecting and relating it to anything past or future, even the teeniest bit of joy fills my heart with a peaceful, happy glow.

Try it......accept the pain and joy without analysis....just accept. This will clear the mind to deal with and bear the pain and savor the joy.