13 December 2014

I've always had this sneaking belief...

that it's very important to have a personal style statement.

It's a feeling, bubbling up from deep inside. A beautiful feeling. A feeling that I would pull out and look at from time to time, especially when that sense of being drawn into the pit of despair closed in on me. Because it was just a feeling, I had not articulated it - in fact, I was afraid to because of how people around me would react to my special feeling and consequently to me. Low/non-existent self-esteem? Probably. Probably, if I had articulated it, just so it didn't sound too way out, I'd have changed/modified its original form, and then felt miserable later...

But, it's always been there, lurking just below the surface. I just didn't have the courage, I realize now. A lot of time has gone by, but this feeling has remained - sometimes hidden, sometimes right on top, but always there...

By style I mean not only the choice of clothes, but also manners, behaviour....the whole way of life and living.

In this frame of mind, these words lifted me up:

"If you have courage in your personal life, then you undoubtedly have courage in your personal style. The two go hand in hand. So shine Bright."

~ Amanda Dolan, 32, New York, New York
Founder of SparkPretty.com

Courage in my personal life I do have (though it goes through dips occasionally) so then it's time now, I think to start on the personal style of living!!!!!!