15 August 2014

The magic of Dumbledore...

A horrific Texas killing left 15-year-old Cassidy Stay alone - on that fateful day she lost both her parents and four siblings. She herself survived because she played dead, and the young girl had the presence of mind to call the police.

At a memorial for her family, Cassidy spoke and said that she believed her family was 'in a much better place.' Wiping her tears, she quoted the words of the wise Headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore: Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

JK Rowling responded, by writing her "a personalized letter from 'Dumbledore' (hand-written with purple ink). She was also sent a wand, an acceptance letter to Hogwarts with a school supply list, along with the 3rd book with JK's autograph."

Never underestimate the power of books....this is why it is so important to read and get kids hooked on to reading. Many years down the line, a much-loved character from way, way back, shines a light into our deepest darkness.

These characters from the days when we were children, have the power to lift us up, keep us young at heart, take us on adventures, transport us to wonderland, and best of all give us the answers we are looking for.

And this always puts real life in perspective...

Go back...go back to those fairy tales and 'children's books' - and see the charm come back into your life...