12 December 2013

Thinking about attitude...

We read that if we can't change a situation we need to change our attitude - it helps us to deal with the situation in a manner that won't leave us drained or wrecked.

I don't know why, but for some reason I thought that this meant I had to forcibly remove or wrench out parts of me, as it were, do a kind of brain-heart-soul-body amputation.

But, change does not mean only pulling out. It also means adding in.

Think on this: When someone does something which results in a meltdown, what do we do? We hug and comfort that person, tell them to give themselves a break, try our best to make it good for that person, till the feeling passes, and the person can then with a clear, unclouded mind think about change. But when it comes to ourselves, we chastise ourselves, are often ruthless with our thinking...in short, we are martinets with ourselves. Why not feed our soul with all the good things that are there in us, pamper ourselves, compliment ourselves, and give ourselves a treat, till our minds clear up, and the tweaking/readjusting/changing of attitude happens.

After all if we are our best friends, surely we need to offer ourselves a break too, wouldn't you say?