19 September 2012

Harking back...

to my blog 'Talking about pressures...' on July 26.

I'd said - we hate it when life prunes us, and had put a picture of a lovely Ashoka tree with the top broken off, leaving jagged edges and a deep wound on the trunk...

Here's the same Ashoka, with new shoots springing up from the broken top...

Fresh light green and bronze leaves now cover the entire top.

Life does prune us - but it keeps showering it's bounty on us so that we grow out fresh and new again...

No matter how painful the break, or jagged the edges left behind, or deep the scars - we can grow out again...we must....WE CAN......we can again surge ahead with hope.

....and we will realize that the pruning was good for us, and that we needed it....