02 August 2012

Some of us...

learn to be defensive to protect our inner core. Through the years we make the shield we have created to encompass us, stronger and thicker...we push our real selves, and what we are all about deeper and deeper down... .Part of 'us' is stamped down by others, and part we push down for reasons of survival and to gain a measure of peace. But the thing is that we can only hide it, because what we are is never really going to go away (at all times, it is the positive in us that I'm talking about - the negative, that which causes sorrow and pain and makes our path rough, we have to remove).

The downside of this defense that we have made for ourselves is that the shell becomes harder and crustier and then we find that we cannot allow for any well-meaning kindness or friendship to pierce it. We are unwilling to peep out of our armor, and we are unwilling to expose the soft side of us - just in case... .We find it difficult to either let anyone in or come out ourselves... .Many of us are unable to discriminate between those who really love us and those who may be using us - result: keep the armor tightly closed, and pull up the moat allowing not even a fraction of ourselves to be exposed.

Somewhere, sometime, though, we are bound to burst -

There is always one person who is there just for us.....we need to allow this person in, who will then help us begin to clear our insides and let the Light in - or, we need to find some way of allowing the Light to come in....

We will find no real peace or serenity unless the Light fills us - then we will be protected from the inside and can do away with the external armor.