15 February 2012

Something I've learnt...

How to deal with pressure.

Temperamentally, I buckle under the tiniest pressure. But, of late, one of life's inexplicable turns has put me in a situation where I work under a lot of pressure, and this is what I've learnt:

When under pressure, the inner guy who has a great deal of self-esteem (even if you consciously do not have an iota of it), and feeling of self-preservation, takes over, and before you know it - he takes command, puts your panic-stricken heart out of order, sedates your zinging mind, gets your fingers activated (to work at the computer), and puts all the concentration into the brain so that the work gets done even before you are consciously aware of it.....this procedure on a daily basis drives out every tiny vestige of alarm, and trepidation, and very efficiently quells any rising hysteria...

and so when life wanted me to learn how to deal with pressure, since advice and self-help books were obviously not working, it got me into a high-pressured situation, and now I can respond to any kind of pressure with the happiest equanimity....let pressure come on!!!!!