18 January 2011


We Indians have this amazing ability of very successfully Indianizing everything foreign. In fact, we even succeed in localizing everything foreign to fit into our comfort zone. Language is no exception, especially the English language. We have very successfully Indianized English, and localized it so that we have Hinglish, Benglish, Malglish, Tamglish and so on. The result is a very colorful language. Among the many ...glish words that I hear all around me, two that I heard recently utterly charmed me.

One was a word I heard on TV. There was a gentleman who was talking very excitedly about the flag hoisting in Kashmir and he went, ' ...after the flag hoist.....'!!

The other was when I went to get a lumbar belt for my cousin. I'd gone to buy a cotswool nightie for my cousin who is, well, fat. So I asked the store guy for a large size. He goes, 'Madam, your sister is healthy? very healthy? or just healthy?' this was his sweet way of asking how fat she was!!!!!!!!
