13 November 2010

Randomly rambling...

Sums up exactly what happens to me - A quote from Maya Angelou. When they were very young, her brother had told her that  – ‘when things were very bad, his soul just crawled behind his heart and curled up and went to sleep. When it awoke, the fearful thing had gone away’.

It’s as if my soul is finding great understanding, peace and rest in Maya Angelou’s words – simply because she is so truly and without excuse talking about her life, her feelings and her thinking. In her emotions, pain, joy, struggles, searching, I feel she is relating to me in the very depth of my heart and being – and I believe it is the same for all readers who find certain chords in their hearts resonating with what she says; someone who can articulate our thoughts and feelings, and make it the most natural thing in the world...

The journey through life needs signposts, places of rest, shady lanes, guidelines, hardships, sorrows, loving hands that hold and support, the complete,  non-judgmental love of your child, a faithful companion. Above all, you need role models who have experienced all that you are experiencing or have experienced, not to show you a path, but to tell you that they too have walked the same path, and that it can be done, and that you can go it, for we all have to walk our paths by ourselves...