11 August 2010


The most damning indictment but true, nevertheless, was made by Swapan Dasgupta that the Commonwealth Games was never about the games.

There is a suffocating feeling of rage and frustration that the money that is so obviously being over-over-over-over spent is the ordinary tax-payer's hard earned money. I do believe that the people sitting in high places in Delhi think that India is Delhi,and that the citizens of this Delhi-India are made up of only those who live in Lutyens' Delhi. The rest of India lives, and works as-how-and-where, for the advancement and aggrandizement of these people, and to hell with the rest of India and as-how-and-where they live and work...

How else can one account for the total callousness towards the tax-payer? The rest of India gets nothing from Delhi, and if they do want something, they make their own arrangements...they do whatever it takes to create a reasonably good, decent life for themselves and their children.