12 June 2010

Lessons from my daughter...

...and this is besides insisting that I learn how to drive and teaching me how to hook rugs!...


Just stop what you are doing...the dishes can be piled up in the sink, you know - leave it for now - you can always return to it after refreshing your soul with a break...the world is not going to stop revolving...nor is there going to be a catastrophe...

There is no such thing as taking only 1 break a day... you can take as many as you want. (Strangely, I see that all that I had planned to do during the course of the day, does get done - but with a difference - I have not got even a teeny bit stressed out).

You can take a mid-day nap - plus - you can take a tiny nap other than at mid-day. (Delicious!).

Why don't you just lie down and gaze at your fave pictures, or listen to your fave music...
you could even have another cup of coffee...

The house needn't be squeaky clean - (I guess it's more important for me to stay calmer and more relaxed, so I'd better spend some time working on that)...

The washing machine needs some rest too...

Don't dwell on the sad-bad things that happen. Just be quiet (the inner clamor does get still) - it WILL pass - it DOES pass. (Best is, there is no bitter aftermath...)

You have the right to be just plain old you...you needn't sparkle and shine all the time...

You are allowed to believe in your own special interests - the world is neither going to condemn you for them nor stop you from having them...SO!!! Just get on with them...

Okay. And, having never caved in to rules ever, I don't need to start now....

......................................and the world has not come to an end--it is still spinning---and spinning happily..................