11 May 2009


This, I believe, is a wonderful quality to cultivate if you are not already blessed with it. If you had it, but it has got hidden under the experiences that life has put you through, then make sure you pull it out and re-install it into your heart and mind and brain. Non-judgementalism makes life so much easier and happier. It makes us more understanding and compassionate, and consequently brings calmness, serenity and peace into our hearts. No matter what the provocation, it is much better just for our own sakes to remain absolutely non-judgemental. A sobering thought is how we would fare in someone else's judgement of us. I have been at the receiving end of non-judgementalism from two very dear friends. Absolutely no questions, just loving support and the encouraging confidence that I am accepted for who I am. No coming on all self-righteous on me, or holier than thou, nothing. It helped me cope and overcome. Better, still, it healed my tattered feelings and sensibilities. We are all human and as humans we make mistakes and we are also at the receiving end of other people's mistakes. We might be hurtful, consciously or unconsciously, and be at the receiving end of someone else's conscious or unconscious hurtful behaviour. Just to accept seems to be the most difficult thing and yet it is the only thing that will ever give us serenity and tranquility - two elusive but extremely essential qualities to possess. Every travail can be borne if one has a serene mind. If one knows that everything that happens has had to happen, and one is totally non-judgemental about the reasons, it is easier to accept and life doesn't seem so bleak. A non-judgemental friend is reason enough to look the day and the world in the eye.