12 January 2009

Bucket List

The movie got me thinking. Why not make a Bucket List. Of course this is not because you are about to 'kick the bucket', but that it would be: a) a fun thing to do, and , b) it would serve as a compass, and an anchor.

When we are young and the stars in your eyes are brightly shining, and you are all set to conquer the world, all that life throws up seems a challenge to be conquered. Then, as the years pass and segue into each other sometimes seamlessly and sometimes painfully, when the economics of living hit you, then the stars start to dim and you don't feel like such a conqueror after all. Then what?? A Bucket List would, I think, come in very handy. No need to have places to go, or way-out things to do. The Bucket List could have do-able things on it. Those that just didn't/couldn't get done - like becoming a better person, working on something in yourself that you don't like, having the courage to change a habit, and replacing it with something quite different, changing your clothing style, working on your vocabulary, cooking, walking, hiking, embracing wabi-sabi, reading the classics, watching films, keeping open home for your children's friends..........and on and on.

Then, when it is time to go to Egyptian heaven, it won't be difficult to answer the 2 all important questions:
1. Have you found joy in your life?
2. Have you brought joy into someone else's life?